Looking at this picture the first thoughts that come to mind are: city, commercial, yuck.
Not really an ideal place to live in my mind but this is the commercial side of the city.
The area I'm more familiar with would be where my Uncles and their families live. However, even those areas have flaws.
My family lives in two different neighborhoods but the only visible difference between the two is the size of the houses. They both are results of the tourism sprawl. They live off one main 8-lane traffic filled road with smaller two lane roads leading to the neighborhoods. With all shopping along N. Great Neck Road (the big 8-lane road).
Although the picture of the shore is a picture of some where I would never want to live, in reality it is a better environment than the residential area of VA Beach. Everything is in walking distance on the shore. The biggest problems with VA Beach are the over crowding and getting to the shore through the residential side.
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